Gem Golf carts offer many unique benefits beyond just the ability to play golf. You can use the cart to quickly and efficiently move across large areas of property. You can also take one with you to play golf or have fun with friends.

Prices for a Gem Golf Cart Vary Greatly Depending on Many Factors

Prices for gem golf carts can vary widely. When you purchase one, there are many important factors to consider.

You can see that there Hobart Hockey are many options when it comes to buying a gem cart. You might find models starting at $1,000, and up to $15,000. Price ranges can vary due to many factors.


Prices for new and used gem carts are affected by many factors. In many ways, purchasing a cart is similar to buying a car.

How much you pay will depend on the year, extra options, accessories, models, warranties and who made the cart. How much you spend will also depend on the type of engine, including electric or gas.

Let’s look at some of these components to better understand what you can expect when shopping for a gem golf cart.

These sections will provide you with an overview of the pricing of gem golf carts and help you understand why. We’ll be looking at the wide range of prices that you can expect when shopping for gem golf carts later.


  • You can choose between gasoline or electric engines when you purchase gem golf carts.
  • Electric gem golf carts aren’t polluting like gas carts and don’t need regular gasoline refills. These carts also run slightly longer because there are fewer moving parts.
  • The electric gem golf cart is now the industry standard, while gasoline carts are rare.
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Even though the model year of a gem cart is not as important as for an automobile, older carts will still be more costly than their predecessors.

You might see a 2012 Yamaha cart listed for $5,000, but you may also find one from 2014 which is priced at $7,000. The price difference can be due to many factors and not just the model year.